I like to save things. I don't trust others to do it, even large websites like Twitter - which I'm sure, no matter how unlikely it may seem now, will not exist at some point - and all those conversations and posts will be lost. Sure, in a world where Twitter doesn't exist, this website may not either, but at least I have multiple offline backups of this website! So I've decided to archive my Twitter posts/conversations on here, going by month. I had older Twitter posts that I deleted all at once via third-party service a while ago, which I now regret as there were many conversations with people like Ryan Davis, who passed away in 2013, that I wish I had a record of. Despite having created my current Twitter account in June 2010, the earliest posts go back to April 2012, so that is where we will begin.
Oculus Rift DK1: One-Year Anniversary
It was one year ago today that I received my Oculus Rift Development Kit. It was also the day that the passing of Ryan Davis was made public, so I waited until the 9th to actually start covering the device. Wait, that's wrong. I missed delivery of my Oculus Rift on the 8th due to Ryan's death and had to wait until the next day for UPS to try again. I even put a sign on the door the next morning. (This post was already made public before I realized my error.)
In my year of having it, I only made nine videos, covering seven different demos. The motion sickness I would experience would sometimes be so severe that I wouldn't feel normal until a couple of days later. I have ordered the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 and am hoping it resolves such problems. I hear that it has and expect delivery of my unit soon, barring any production issues. In the mean time, I'm going to do what I physically can to cover as many DK1 demos as possible. Not only to feel justified in my purchase of the device in the first place, but also so I can better appreciate the improvements of the DK2. Videos can be easily accessed through my dedicated Oculus Rift page.
Oh, one more thing. The fake project name I created to access the Oculus Rift Developer Center was "Attack on Fluffy Booty". It was the first thing that came to mind. I was reading a lot of hype about Attack on Titan at the time.
"Please don't attack my fluffy booty."
In Honor of Ryan Davis
2013: In Memoriam
Ryan Thomas Davis
(June 4, 1979 - July 3, 2013)
Kitty Ratliff
(XXXX - December 17, 2013)
The Art of Video Games: StreetPassin'
This is the last video we shot at the exhibit on September 2nd, 2012. After checking out the guestbook for the second time, I was reminded that I had my 3DS in my pocket the entire time. I soon discovered that several other people had the same idea...
Oddly enough, the last time I StreetPass'd was back in December 2011 at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History.
StreetPass 2: Giant Bomb Staff Edition
I haven't had a lot of luck with StreetPass encounters. Shortly after the aforementioned post, I met two other Miis in the form of Gamessa and Clif, making for a total of three people I've come across since the launch of the 3DS in March. My experience with this feature has been disappointing, especially since receiving duplicate puzzle pieces in Puzzle Swap is common when purchased with Play Coins, as opposed to being guaranteed a new piece when encountering a fellow player. Having never been to a convention where it's common for people to pack their 3DS, I was excited to see what would happen when I visited the Whiskey Media office on June 24th. Arriving back at my hotel later that night, I had completely forgotten that my 3DS was still on and in my pocket. I excitedly took it out and booted up StreetPass Mii Plaza to be greeted with this:
As you can see from the second pic, I totally had the inside scoop on Matt Kessler's first review.
I then loaded up Puzzle Swap to reap my rewards.
Though I've technically finished Find Mii, I still have a few more hats to collect. Here's what the guys look like when pissed off at ghosts.
I also had the StreetPass functionality for Super Street Fighter IV turned on, and was surprised when I saw that Jeff was one of my opponents since I didn't encounter his Mii.
And those are probably the last StreetPass encounters I'm going to have for a very long time.
Oh, and if there was still any doubt as to the identity of the man in the following photo (from this thread), I think Ryan's Mii is enough evidence to lay this mystery to rest:
Booty Sweat
It was May of 2010, and I was riding around with my mom and brother in South Carolina. I can't remember why, but I started thinking about fake products from movies that were turned into real things. I got into a discussion about Tropic Thunder with my brother, and decided to see if Booty Sweat, the energy drink promoted by Alpa Chino in the movie, was a real thing. I went to Amazon on my phone to discover that it indeed was, and made the decision to order a pack of 24 cans. I was disappointed to discover that Bust-A-Nut candy bars did not exist.
"Yeah, get him chuggin' on some of Alpa's ass-water. That'll bring him around—it's a cure-all..."
I never had an energy drink before, due to having a heart condition in the past and just thinking they're not a good thing to put into one's body, but I decided that I would make an exception with Booty Sweat. I mean, it's Booty Sweat; you're not going to get a lot of chances to drink something with such a ridiculous name. To my surprise it was actually pretty good, and even seemed to keep me awake all night for some nice, extra long video-game sessions. I set aside four cans to send to Giant Bomb, as long-time listeners of the Bombcast will know that energy drinks used to be as integral to their recordings as video games.
It's two months later, and the four cans of Booty Sweat are still in my fridge. My brother and I are packing up the car the day after getting back from Japan, as we are moving out of our house in Texas and going to Oklahoma. I find a small box and wrap each can in bubble wrap, but realize that I don't have Giant Bomb's new mailing address, as this was right around the same time they moved from Sausalito to San Francisco. I go to their FAQ page on my phone to find the address but it has yet to be updated. I then hold the box on my lap for our trip north, and eventually find the address I'm looking for after getting the laptop set up in our temporary lodging. I was happy to see that my package arrived safely via Ryan Davis' Twitter feed a little while later:
Ryan's favorite part.
It was also mentioned in the "Giant Bomb Mailbag: Classy Business Edition" video that was posted on August 9th, 2010. You can catch the Booty Sweat at the 2:40 mark.
Head on over to Amazon and type in "Booty Sweat" to try it out for yourself, though currently there are only individual cans available for $12.99 each. I would wait and see if you can get them cheaper later on.