My Top Ten Games of 2012
Honorable Mention
New Super Mario Bros. U
Bought this on Christmas Eve and played through the whole game with my mom and brother, beating it on December 29th.
1. It had to come out in 2012.
2. I had to beat it.
#1 - Resident Evil 6
#2 - Sleeping Dogs
#3 - Journey
#4 - The Walking Dead
#5 - Max Payne 3
#6 - Halo 4
#7 - The Darkness II
#8 - Binary Domain
#9 - Asura's Wrath
#10 - Hotline Miami
New Super Mario Bros. U
Bought this on Christmas Eve and played through the whole game with my mom and brother, beating it on December 29th.
1. It had to come out in 2012.
2. I had to beat it.
Chris Redfield - Resident Evil 6
Wallpaper by FadedBlackangel
Resident Evil 6
The Darkness II