It was exactly one year ago to this day that I started this site and wrote my first post, and since then, I've written a total of... ten posts, including this one. I'll try to write a bit more this year!
2010 was an interesting year, and I'll be writing about some of the stuff I did during it like my trip to Japan and such. This website hasn't changed much, but here's what's different:
The header has changed from the white text saying, "Charles Alan Ratliff" to the picture you see at the top of this post. I hired Kat Smith of Whiskey Media (who you probably know best as the person who does all the art for the quest icons for Whiskey Media's various sites, or as Turbo_Toaster of Giant Bomb) to do a happy image of me surrounded by all the current main gaming platforms, and I got the awesome art above!
I've also added a link to my Twitter profile using the icon to the right, and I've also made it so subcategories appear when you click/hover over the category names in the header.
And that's it! Let's make 2011 an awesome year.